„Diese Experten, die du im Westen oder sogar im Osten triffst, werden niemals mit mir übereinstimmen, weil ich mich nicht nach den traditionellen Lehren richte, sondern nach meiner eigenen Erfahrung- [...] Aber heute hat das menschliche Wesen seine Reife erreicht. Und wir müssen das Tantra von allen ritualistischen Strukturen befreien, um es poetischer, spontaner zu gestalten. Genau das mache ich; damit aus dem Tantra wieder eine tieflebendige, gelebte Erfahrung werden kann. Denn es muss euer Lebensstil werden; aber es ist besser, es „Neo-Tantra” zu nennen. Sonst werden diese „Experten” weiter Verwirrung in dir anstiften.“
„For european colonizers, orientalist scholars, & christian missionaries of the Victorian era, Tantra was generally seen as the worst, most degenerate & depraved example of all the worst tendencies in the “Indian mind,” a pathological mixture of religion & sensuality that had led to the decline of modern hinduism. Yet for most contemporary new age & popular writers, conversely, Tantra is now celebrated as a much-needed affirmation of physical pleasure & sexuality, as a “Yoga of sex” or “cult of ecstasy” that might counteract the hypocritical prudery of the christian west.“
„Tantra ist eine riesige, lockere Familie an Kulten, Erkenntnislehren, Ritualen und Praktiken, die sich im Laufe von Jahrhunderten über ganz Asien verbreitet haben. Öffentliche Kulte voller Bezüge zu Blut, Zerstückelung und Tod finden sich neben mystisch-spirituellen Schulen, asketischen Traditionen, zölibatären Orden und sexuell-grenzüberschreitenden Praktiken.“
„If we have to call Tantra anything, let´s call it a set of techniques that work, coupled with wildness, joy, daring, and the sense of going for it that shakes you out of what ever you used to be before.“
„Wenn ihr Hippies euch sowas die ganze Zeit antut, verstehe ich, dass ihr so friedliebend seid!“
„Are they merely reflections of an increasingly pluralistic, rapidly changing, hedonistic, and “chaotic” consumer society? Or do they also offer the hope for breaking free of that culture? Does the quest for radical liberation [...] really lead to any meaningful sort of freedom? Or has it simply transformed the ideas of “liberation” and “transgression” themselves into commodities that can be purchased for $19.95 from Amazon.com?” “
„Was sagt es über den Zustand der Menschheit aus, dass es etwas Neues, geradezu Revolutionäres ist, wenn Menschen sich die Erlaubnis geben, schlicht und einfach lebendig, berührbar und „zugänglich“ zu sein? Wo und wie sind wir denn unser Leben lang, wenn nicht lebendig und zugänglich? Ich möchte in einer Welt leben, in der es nicht die bemerkenswerte Ausnahme, sondern der Normalfall ist, wenn Menschen sich begegnen wie sie sind.“
„It is sometimes inadvertently that a revolution takes place.
An effect of extreme gentleness, barely different from other moments, and then life suddenly catches fire, is ablaze.
But burning with inexplicable gentleness.
As if suddenly you were taken by the hand along a precipice and needed not only to walk along the edge but to dance,
and yes, you dance without fear or vertigo as if the very space took refuge in you, and then as if,
upon arriving on the other side, everything had changed, but without violence.
Is the intimate revolution of this kind?“
„Tantra is not a fossil from the museum of outdated spirituality, it is an attitude that will transform your life in many ways. If you want to thank those who went before you, learn all you can, improve the lot, and take it into new dimensions.“
„Desire (kāma) is the root of the universe. From desire all beings are born. … Without Siva and Śakti creation would be nothing but imagination. Without the action of kāma there would be no birth or death. Śiva himself is visibly manifested as a great phallus (mahalingam), and Sakti in the form of a vulva (bhaga). By their union the whole universe comes into being…. A place without love-images (kāmakalā) is known as a “place to be shunned.” In the opinion of the Kaulācāras it is always a base, forsaken place, resembling a dark abyss, which is shunned like the den of Death.“
„What is most important to the authors of the Indian Tantric literature, I would argue, is not sex, but rather power-power on all levels of reality, spiritual cosmic, physical and socio-political alike. [....] Sex may in some traditions be one means of awakening and harnessing power, or one form of its expression in the physical universe; but it is by no means the only or even the most important one. In fact, if one examines most popular vernacular texts on Tantra today, it would seem that by far the most attention is given not to matters of sexual pleasure, but rather to the acquisition of supernatural abilities and achieving all one’s worldly desires.“
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